Breaking the Broken...

So, a new blog! Surprise! This one is quite a bit different from my other blog, I really want this blog to focus on improving the health of our souls.

Goodness that sounds a bit strange. The title of this blog sounds a bit morbid too. Its really not. What I mean by "Breaking the broken" is, breaking the spirit of brokenness upon a person. The Bible says,

"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is upon me, because the LORD has appointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to announce that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed. He has sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of the LORD's favor has come, and with it, the day of God's anger against their enemies. To all who mourn in Israel, he will give beauty for ashes, joy instead of mourning, praise instead of despair. For the LORD has planted them like strong and graceful oaks for his own glory." - Isaiah 61:1-4

Jesus came to set captives free. I've learned that someone in captivity is a person who is being kept from life's fullness. Brokenness, being broken by anything, keeps us from life's fullness.

And sometimes, brokenness can lead to life. God can use it to lead us back to Him. One thing I know for sure is, if His plan does include allowing us to be broken, He'll restore us more abundantly than we can ever imagine.

I can't wait to start writing more! Hopefully we'll have some good discussion, and really draw close to God through what we talk about!

So, as this new chapter of my life is openend, and this new blog is started, I pray that people will be freed from their brokenness in their lives, and, if anyone encounters brokenness along this journey of life, that this blog will help put things in perspective a bit more.



  1. Andrea said...
    I like where you say brokeness can lead to life. So often when we see brokeness we see only death of what was, but not the new life that is to come of it. So often in the midst of brokeness we ask God Why he let this happen to us? Instead of asking what he has instore for us. Its like at night it's over, but there is a new day dawning and when we go to bed at night we don't worry if it's still gonna be nighttime when we wake up because we know it won't last forever. Yet spiritually, how often has God proven his faithfulness and we forget it? We just sit there broken and think it's the end and that God can't possibly make anything of it. We listen to satan lie's and believe him, yet if you were to go to sleep and have someone tell you before you went to bed that the night wasn't going to end... you'd think they're crazy! Why? Because you know every morning when you get up, it's a new day. It's the same spiritually, God proves himself over and over again, yet we can so easily listen to satan and fall for his lies... Why is this? perhaps because we lose hope and don't keep ourselves refreshed and built up, or maybe because we choose to look at how things aren't better. Whereas you get up in the morning, the first thing you look for is the sun. Why? because you know it is faithful to rise. We are looking to see the faithfulness because we are expecting it. Perhaps. spiritually we are not expecting God's Faithfulness, and instead are looking for the storm clouds...

    that probably didn't come out right... and was long and redundant but yeah... I look forward to reading more blogs from you! Good blog yo!
    'Rika said...
    Awesome! I'm excited to read your blogs here, I like reading what you have to say! =)
    Anonymous said...
    Danette, this blog is simply beautiful. Those verses in Isaiah and when Jesus quotes them, I believe it is in Luke, are some of my favorite verses ever and they some up the passion of my heart. I enjoy reading what you have to say. Right now, I'm in this broken season where God has made me more aware of my own brokenness. I think He's done it because He doesn't want me living with this brokenness anymore because I was so content with living with it and ignoring it. And some of it almost led me down the wrong road. But you are definitely right...this brokenness keeps us from the abundant life Christ has promised. This healing of the brokenness a lot of times is a process which brings us closer to His holiness and restoration, but it will be a beautiful journey toward wholeness. One thing I have learned is, when we are aware of our brokenness and live an honest life before God, we live as desperate people in need of our wonderful God and Savior. We live completely dependent on Him. I always want to live as a desperate person in need of my God.

    Thank you Danette for starting this blog. *hugs*
    Anonymous said...
    Ooooo....this is good. I have no other comment cause I'm just gonna meditate on that for now
    Debbie said...
    Wow! This is good! You know that sometimes it takes being broken to bring about death to something we hold dear or something we ourselves can't break. God uses brokenness to bring about that death, so that He CAN bring life from death! But we need to let Him. When we are broken we become pliable in His hands. Ourselves are crucified & His life begins to reign. That's what I want!

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